Graduate Study is concentrated in these five areas:
Program Area Advisor Specializations
Clinical Dr. Dennis McChargue Examples of Program of Study Emphasis include clinical and experimental psychopathology, family and relationship violence, pediatric psychology, forensic psychology, mental health policy, and treatment process and outcome
Developmental Dr. Lisa Crockett Offered in collaboration with the faculty in the Department of Educational Psychology at the Teachers College
Law-Psychology Dr. David Hansen Under the dual sponsorship of the Department of Psychology and the College of Law
Neuroscience and Behavior Dr. Jeffrey Stevens Highly individualized program of study and research that spans the areas of behavioral neuroscience, behavioral genetics, neuropharmacology, and animal behavior. Faculty research interests include cognition and executive function, drug addiction, animal models of mental and behavioral disorders, high-risk behaviors, and bird song.
Social and Cognitive Dr. Mike Dodd Research opportunities in social processes and/or human information processing.

In addition to our graduate programs, we offer graduate training in Quantitative Methods coordinated by Becca Brock.