Rosa Hazel Delgado

Rosa Hazel Delgado earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Texas at El Paso with honors, her masters from the University of  Nebraska-Lincoln where she is currently pursuing a PhD. in  Social Psychology. Broadly, her research interests are in the social cognitive processes and the motivation that underlie bias at both the macro and micro levels. At the macro level her research examines discrimination and bias in cultural (stereotypes, migration, acculturation) and structural (policy, law, and corrections) entities. At the micro level her work involves research  on stereotype, discrimination, and bias that may arise among individuals. For example, some of her work examines the role of dehumanization in diverse communities (e.g. immigrant and LGBT) and how this affects decision making (e.g. policy or hiring). 

 With Dr. Wiener she has evaluated programs provided by reporting centers across the state of Nebraska for the Nebraska Office of Probation administration. As a part of the evaluation, she has assisted with data analyses and validation for both the LSCMI and NAPS (instruments used in the Nebraska probation system), evaluation of probation programming offered (e.g. pre-treatment, relapse prevention), and provided training for probation officers in Goal Attainment Scaling.

She has received the NSF Law and Social Sciences Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant to complete her dissertation. Her dissertation will explore how goal attainment scaling can assist the probation system in realizing its rehabilitation objectives. It proposes a rehabilitation model that integrates Risk Need Responsivity concepts, the Good Life Model, and human motivation. Her dissertation will use Goal Attainment Scaling in a field study to test the model and will include an experimental study to explore how probation officers use Goal Attainment Scaling data when making treatment decisions for both minority and White offenders.

Hazel has taught classes in Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychology of Diversity, and Personality Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  She is currently employed at the Nebraska Court Improvement Project as their Research and Evaluation Specialist under the Nebraska Supreme Court. During her free time, she enjoys kickboxing and spending time with her partner, Matt, and their dog, Dory. 


Publications and manuscripts in progress

 Willis-Esqueda, C., & Delgado, R. H. (2017). Attitudes Toward Violence and Gender as Predictors of Interpersonal Violence Interventions. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 0886260517690872.

Willis-Esqueda, C., Delgado, R. H., & Pedroza, K.  (2016). Patriotism and the impact on perceived threat and immigration attitudes, The Journal of Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2016.1184125

 Wiener, R.L., Caldwell, A.D., Delgado, R.H., Vardsveen, T., McCracken, E., & Reed, K. (2016). The role of race in offendesr risk assessment in the state of Nerbaska. Manuscript in Preparation.

 Shepherd, S., Delgado, R.H., & Paradies, Y. (2016). The impact of cultural identity on distress, agency, safety and discrimination for Indigenous people in custody. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Manuscript under review.

Wiener, R.L., Reed, K., Delgado, R.H., & Caldwell, A.D. (2014). Validation study of the LS/CMI assessment tool in Nebraska (Research Report July 2014). Retrieved from State of Nebraska Judicial Branch Publications and Reports website: 

Recent Poster Presentations

 Delgado, R.H., & Willis Esqueda, C. (2016, January). Ethnic perceptual differences of minor infraction stops. Datablitz presented at annual Psychology and Law Pre-conference for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.

 Wiener, R.L., Minardi, D., Micek, J., & Delgado, R. H., (2015, June). Evaluating Ongoing Adult Probation Programs or Shooting at a Moving Target from a Moving High Speed Train. Workshop presented at meeting of American Probation and Parole Association. Los Angeles, CA.

 Caldwell, A.D., Wiener, R.L., Reed, K., & Delgado, R.H. (2015, May). Measuring risk in probationers: Are there racial disparities? Paper presented at Law and Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

 Delgado, R. H., Willis Esqueda, C., & Herndon, E., (2015, May). Maintaining hope, identifying in the face of change. Paper presented at meeting of Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.

 Caldwell, A.D., Wiener, R.L., Reed, K., & Delgado, R.H. (2015, March). Racial disparities in measuring risk in probationers with the LS/CMI. Paper presented at American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

  Willis Esqueda, C., Delgado, H., & Orozco Garcia, D. (2014, May). Race based expectations for involvement with the criminal justice system. Paper presented at meeting of Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.

For Hazel's CV Click here!