Psi Chi and UNL's Psychology Club

UNL's Psychology Club is open to any student at UNL with an interest in psychology.

Psi Chi is the psychology honor society open to psychology majors and minors who meet specific academic criteria.  We put out a call for Psi Chi membership applications each semester (typically in October and February). Psi Chi has a one-time membership due of $65.


Psychology Club and Psi Chi conduct their meetings together. These meetings take place every other week and cover a variety of topics including (but not limited to):

  • Research Night
  • How to Succeed in Undergrad
  • Grad School Prep
  • Networking
  • And a ton more!

For information about future events as well as past resources, send us an email at

Our History

"The purpose of this organization shall be primarily to advance the science of psychology; and secondly to encourage, stimulate, and maintain scholarship of the individual members in all academic fields, particularly in psychology." - Psi Chi Constitution

Psi Chi was founded on Sept. 4, 1942, at the 9th International Congress of Psychology. The Congress, held at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut began with 22 universities and colleges as charter members. The Psi Chi chapter at the University of Nebraska was among the charter members of the national organization -- recognized as the 8th chapter initiated overall.

Psi Chi began primarily as an organization for those students in psychology who were working on research projects. The students in individual chapters would get together and discuss various topics of research. Since then Psi Chi has grown to serve many other functions in the field of psychology, such as community service and educational projects. The national chapter still recognizes excellence in research through nationwide graduate and undergraduate research competitions and awards. Since 1929, Psi Chi has expanded greatly. With over 800 chapters and thousands of members, Psi Chi is one of the largest and most respected honor societies in the country.

We are proud to have held the title of Model Chapter for multiple consecutive years.

Psychology Club is an organization sponsored by students for students interested in psychology. By sponsoring various activities, Psychology Club promotes interest in psychology outside the traditional classroom setting. You do not need to be a psychology major or minor to take part in our activities.

Membership Requirements

Psi Chi International Honor Society Membership:

Psi Chi Membership Applications will be accepted twice a year, in fall and spring semesters. Watch the weekly announcements from the psychology advising office for the call for applications.

Applications are completed online; the link will be distributed with the call for applications.  At the time you submit your application, you must pay one-time dues of $65 ($55 national dues + $10 local dues) to the Psychology Department office in room 238 Burnett.  Please make your check out to "Psi Chi." You may provide cash if it is within a sealed envelope. You will be notified via email when your application is accepted. Applications that are received late or that are incomplete will be considered for the next induction process the following semester. All new members will be inducted in a ceremony later in the semester after their acceptance into Psi Chi.

Requirements for membership in the UNL chapter are as follows.  NOTE: Requirements may vary from chapter to chapter, so they are different for UNL from what is listed on the national application form.

  • Second-semester sophomore standing or higher
  • 9 credit hours of psychology completed, including at least 3 hours at UNL
  • 3.5 overall GPA (for completed courses only)
  • 3.6 GPA for all completed psychology courses

Even if you are not yet a member, we encourage you to attend our meetings at any time.

Psychology Club Membership:

Anyone can join Psychology Club-- there are no GPA or credit hour restrictions, and non-psychology majors are welcome to join!

Related Links and Resources

Psi Chi: The National Honor Society

American Psychological Association

American Psychological Society

Your Complete Guide to Psychology Societies on the Net

Psychology Careers