Symposia 1953-present

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1953-present











Current Theory and Research in Motivation


Judson S. Brown

State University of Iowa

Problems Presented by the Concept of Acquired Drives

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1953

Harry F. Harlow

University of Wisconsin

Motivation as a Factor in New Responses

Leo J. Postman

University of California, Berkeley

The Experimental Analysis of Motivational Factors in Perception

Vincent Nowlis

Rochester University

The Development and Modification of Motivational Systems in Personality

 M. Newcomb

University of Michigan

Motivation in Social Behavior

O. Hobart Mowrer

Research University of Illinois

Motivation and Neurosis



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

I. E. Farber

State University of Iowa

Anxiety as a Drive State

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1954

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1954

John W. Atkinson

University of Michigan

Exploration Using Imaginative Thought to Assess the Strength of Human Motives

Benbow F. Ritchie

University of California

A Logical and Experimental Analysis of the Laws of Motivation

Leon Festinger

University of Minnesota

Motivation Leading to Social Behavior

George S. Klein

New York University

Need and Regulation

Henry W. Nissen

Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology

The Nature of the Drive as Innate Determinant of Behavioral Organization



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

Abraham Maslow

Brandeis University

Deficiency Motivation and Growth Motivation

Abraham Maslow, James Olds, David MClelland (Copyright: University of Nebraska-Lincoln)


David C. McClelland

Wesleyan University

Some Social Consequences of Achievement Motivation

James Olds

McGill University

Physiological Mechanisms of Reward

Helen Peak

University of Michigan

Attitude and Motivation

Julian B. Rotter

The Ohio State University

The Role of the Psychological Situation in Determining the Direction of Human Behavior

Paul Thomas Young

University of Illinois

The Role of Hedonic Processes in Motivation



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

Frank A. Beach

Yale University

Characteristics of Masculine "Sex Drive"


Sigmund Koch

Duke University

Behavior as "Intrinsically" Regulated: Work Notes towards a Pre-Theory of Phenomena Called "Motivational"

Melvin H. Marx

University of Missouri

Some Relations Between Frustration and Drive

Daniel R. Miller


University of Michigan

The Study of Conflict

Guy E. Swanson

University of Michigan

John P. Seward

University of California at Los Angeles

A Neurological Approach to Motivation

Richard L. Solomon


Harvard University

Experimentally Derived Conceptions of Anxiety and Aversion

Elinor S. Brush

McGill University



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

Clifford T. Morgan


Physiological Mechanisms of Motivation

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1957

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1957

Donald B. Lindsley

University of California at Los Angeles

Psychophysiology and Motivation

Eliot H. Rodnick


Duke University

An Experimental Approach to the Study of Motivation in Schizophrenia

Norman Garmezy

Duke University

J. R. Wittenborn

Rutgers University

Inferring the Strength of Drive

Pauline S. Sears

Stanford University

Problems in the Investigation of Achievement and Self-Esteem Motivation

Charles E. Osgood

University of Illinois

Motivational Dynamics of Language Behavior



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

Robert C. Bolles

Princeton University

The Usefulness of the Drive Concept

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1958

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1958

W. K. Estes

Indiana University

Stimulus-Response Theory of Drive

Kenneth W. Spence

State University of Iowa

Behavior Theory and Selective Learning

Richard A. Littman

University of Oregon

Motives, History and Causes

Charles W. Eriksen

University of Illinois

Unconscious Processes

Robert B. Malmo

McGill University

Measurement of Drive: An Unsolved Problem in Psychology



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

T. C. Schneirla

American Museum of Natural History

An Evolutionary and Developmental Theory of Biphasic Processes Underlying Approach and Withdrawal

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1959

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1959

Eckhard Hess

University of Chicago

The Relationship between Imprinting and Motivation

Raymond B. Cattell

University of Illinois

The Dynamic Calculus: Concepts and Crucial Experiments

Harry Levin

Cornell University

Pride and Shame in Children

Alfred L. Baldwin

Cornell University

John W. M. Whiting

Harvard University

Sorcery, Sin, and the Superego: A Cross-Cultural Study of Some Mechanisms of Social Control

Irving L. Janis

Yale University

Motivational Factors in the Resolution of Decisional Conflicts



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

Roger G. Barker

University of Kansas

Ecology and Motivation

Donald W. Taylor

Yale University

Toward an Information Processing Theory of Motivation

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1960

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1960

Walter Toman

Brandeis University

On the Periodicity of Motivation

Robert W. White

Harvard University

Competence and the Psychosexual Stages of Development

Fritz Heider

University of Kansas

The Gestalt Theory of Motivation

David Rapaport

Austen Riggs Center

On the Psychoanalytic Theory of Motivation



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

John L. Falk

Harvard University

The Behavioral Regulation of Water-Electrolyte Balance

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1961

Philip Teitelbaum

University of Pennsylvania

Disturbances in Feeding and Drinking Behavior After Hypothalamic Lesions

Carl Pfaffmann

Brown University

The Sensory and Motivating Properties of the Sense of Taste

W. J. McKeachie

University of Michigan

Motivation, Teaching Methods, and College Learning

Seymour B. Sarason

Yale University

The Contents of Human Problem Solving

David Birch

University of Michigan

A Motivational Interpretation of Extinction



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

W. Edgar Vinacke

University of Hawaii

Motivation as a Complex Problem

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1962

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1962

Jack W. Brehm

Duke University

Motivational Effects of Cognitive Dissonance

George A. Kelly

The Ohio State University

Europe's Matrix of Decision

Seymour Epstein

University of Massachusetts

The Measurement of Drive and Conflict in Humans: Theory and Experiment

Albert Bandura

Stanford University

Social Learning Through Imitation

Morton Deutsch

Bell Telephone Laboratories

Cooperation and Trust: Some Theoretical Notes



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

Marshall R. Jones

Carl R. Rogers

University of Wisconsin

Actualizing Tendency in Relation to "Motives" and to Consciousness

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1963

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1963

Robert R. Sears

Stanford University

Dependency Motivation

Neal E. Miller

Yale University

Some Reflections on the Law of Effect Produce a New Alternative to Drive Reduction

Karl H. Pribram

Stanford University

Reinforcement Revisited: A Structural View

H. W. Magoun

University of California, Los Angeles

Central Neural Inhibition



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

David Levine

Ernest R. Hilgard

Stanford University

The Motivational Relevance of Hypnosis

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1964

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1964

Edward L. Walker

University of Michigan

Psychological Complexity as a Basis for a Theory of Motivation and Choice

Frank A. Logan

Yale University

The Free Behavior Situation

Allen L. Edwards

University of Washington

The Assessment of Human Motives by Means of Personality Scales

George Mandler

University of Toronto

The Interruption of Behavior

Stanley Schachter

Columbia University

Crime, Cognition, and the Autonomic Nervous System

Bibb Latane’




Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

David Levine

Howard H. Kendler

University of California, Santa Barbara

Motivation and Behavior

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1965

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1965

Robert Ward Leeper

University of Oregon

Some Needed Developments in the Motivational Theory of Emotions

David Premack

University of Missouri

Reinforcement Theory

J. Mcv. Hunt

University of Illinois

Intrinsic Motivation and Its Role in Psychological Development

Donald T. Campbell

Northwestern University

Ethnocentric and Other Altruistic Motives

J. P. Guilford

University of Southern California

Motivation in an Informational Psychology



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

David Levine

Robert R. Holt

New York University

Measuring Libidinal and Aggressive Motives and Their Controls by Means of the Rorschach Test


C. J. Burke

California State College at Hayward

Linear Models for Pavlovian Conditioning

Joseph Masling

State University of New York at Buffalo

Role-Related Behavior of the Subject and Psychologist and Its Effects Upon Psychological Data

V. G. Dethier

University of Pennsylvania

Insects and the Concept of Motivation

Harry Helson

Kansas State University

Some Problems in Motivation from the Point of View of the Theory of Adaptation Level

William Malamud

National Association for Mental Health

The Concept of Motivation in Psychiatric Practice



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

David Levine

D. E. Berlyne

University of Toronto

Arousal and Reinforcement

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1967

J. P. Scott

Research Bowling Green State University

The Development of Social Motivation


Irwin Katz

University of Michigan

The Socialization of Academic Motivation in Minority Group Children

Harold H. Kelley

University of California, Los Angeles

Attribution Theory in Social Psychology


Thomas F. Pettigrew

Harvard University

Social Evaluation Theory: Convergences and Applications



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

William J. Arnold

Sebastian P. Grossman

University of Chicago

The Physiological Basis of Specific and Nonspecific Motivational Processes

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1968

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1968

Gerald E. McClearn

University of Colorado

Genetics and Motivation of the Mouse


Seymour Levine

Stanford University School of Medicine

Hormones and Conditioning


Heinz Heckhausen

Ruhr University, Germany

Achievement Motive Research: Current Problems and Some Contributions Towards a General Theory of Motivation

Richard S. Lazarus

University of California at Berkeley

Emotions and Adaptation: Conceptual and Empirical Relations

Justin Aronfreed

University of Pennsylvania

Aversive Control of Socialization



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

William J. Arnold & David Levine

Dalbir Bindra

McGill Univeristy

The Interrelated Mechanisms of Reinforcement and Motivation, and the Nature of Their Influence on Response

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1969

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1969

Edward L. Wike

University of Kansas

Secondary Reinforcement: Some Research and Theoretical Issues

Roger W. Black

University of South Carolina

Incentive Motivation and the Parameters of Reward in Instrumental Conditioning

Elliot Aronson

University of Texas at Austin

Some Antecedents of Interpersonal Attraction

Stuart W. Cook

University of Colorado

Motives in a Conceptual Analysis of Attitude-Related Behavior

Philip G. Zimbardo

Stanford University

The Human Choice: Individuation, Reason, and Order versus Deindividuation, Impulse, and Chaos



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

William J. Arnold & Monte M. Page

John A. King

Michigan State University

Ecological Psychology: An Approach to Motivation

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1970

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1970

William A. Mason

Tulane University

Motivational Factors in Psychosocial Development

Victor H. Denenberg

University of Connecticut

The Mother as a Motivator

Leonard Berkowitz

University of Wisconsin

The Contagion of Violence: An S-R Mediational Analysis of Some Effects of Observed Aggression

Salvatore R. Maddi

University of Chicago

The Search for Meaning

Martin T. Orne

University of Pennsylvania

Hypnosis, Motivation, and the Ecological Validity of the Psychological Experiment



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

James K. Cole

David Elkind

University of Rochester

Cognitive Growth Cycles in Mental Development

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1971

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1971

Langdon E. Longestreth

University of Southern California

A Cognitive Interpretation of Secondary Reinforcement

Margaret Donaldson

University of Edinburgh

Preconditions of Inference

Albert Mehrabian

University of California, Los Angeles

Nonverbal Communication

Ralph Exline

University of Delaware

Visual Interaction: The Glances of Power and Preference

Paul Ekman

University of California, San Francisco

Universals and Cultural Differences in Facial Expressions of Emotion



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

James K. Cole & Donald D. Jensen

Robert Bigelow

University of Canterbury, New Zealand

The Evolution of Cooperation, Aggression, and Self-Control

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1972

Robert B. Cairns

Indiana University

Fighting and Punishment from a Developmental Perspective

John P. Flynn

Yale University School of Medicine

Patterning Mechanisms, Patterned Reflexes, and Attack Behavior in Cats

Ronald R. Hutchinson

Fort Custer State Home, Augusta, Michigan

The Environmental Causes of Aggression

John B. Calhoun

National Institute of Mental Health

Disruption of Behavioral States as a Cause of Aggression

Dan Olweus

University of Bergen, Norway

Personality and Aggression



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

James K. Cole & Richard Dienstbier

Alan P. Bell

Indiana University

Homosexualities: Their Range and Character

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1973

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1973

John H. Gagnon

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Scripts and the Coordination of Sexual Conduct

William Simon

Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago

The Social, the Erotic, and the Sensual: The Complexities of Sexual Scripts

Henry B. Biller

University of Rhode Island

Paternal and Sex-Role Factors in Cognitive and Academic Functioning

Alfred B. Heilbrun, Jr.

Emory University

Parent Identification and Filial Sex-Role Behavior: The Importance of Biological Context

Benjamin G. Rosenberg

Bowling Green State University

Family Structure and Sex-Role Variations

Brian Sutton-Smith

Columbia University

John Money

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Prenatal Hormones and Postnatal Socialization in Gender Identity Differentiation



Nebraska Symposium on Motivation

James K. Cole & Theo B. Sonderegger

Elliott M. Blass

Johns Hopkins University

The Physiological, Neurological, and Behavioral Bases of Thirst

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1974

Bartley G. Hoebel

Princeton University

Brain Reward and Aversion Systems in the Control of Feeding and Sexual Behavior

Larry Stein

Wyeth Laboratories; University of Pennsylvania Medical School

Norepinephrine Reward Pathways: Role in Self-Stimulation, Memory Consolidation, and Schizophrenia

Aryeh Routtenberg

Northwestern University

Intracranial Self-Stimulation Pathways as Substrate for Memory Consolidation

C.R. Gallistel

University of Pennsylvania

Motivation as Central Organizing Process: The Psychophysical Approach to Its Functional and Neurophysiological Analysis

Elliot S. Valenstein

University of Michigan

Brain Stimulation and Behavior Control



Conceptual Foundations of Psychology

William J. Arnold

Joseph R. Royce

University of Alberta, Canada

Psychology is Multi-: Methodological, Variate, Epistemic, World View, Systemic, Paradigmatic, Theoretic, and Disciplinary

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1975

Willard F. Day

University of Nevada, Reno

Contemporary Behaviorism and the Concept of Intention

Theodore Mischel

State University of New York at Binghamton

Psychological Explanations and Their Vicissitudes

Joseph R. Rychlak

Purdue University

Psychological Science As a Humanist Views It

Amedeo Giorgi

Duquesne University

Phenomenology and the Foundations of Psychology

Klaus F. Riegel

University of British Columbia, Canada

From Traits and Equilibrium toward Developmental Dialectics

Carol F. Feldman

University of Houston

Logic and the Theory of Mind

Stephen Toulmin

University of Chicago

Sigmund Koch

Boston University

Language Communities, Search Cells, and the Psychological Studies



Personal Construct Psychology

Alvin W. Landfield

Theodore R. Sarbin

University of California, Santa Cruz

Contextualism: A World View for Modern Psychology

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1976

James C. Mancuso

State University of New York at Albany

Current Motivational Models in the Elaboration of Personal Construct Theory

Don Bannister

British Medical Research Council

The Child's Construing of Self

Joyce Agnew

Stratheden Hospital, Scotland

Alvin W. Landfield

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Interpretive Man: The Enlarged Self-Image

Seymour Rosenberg

Rutgers University

New Approaches to the Analysis of Personal Constructs in Person Perception

Miller Mair

Crichton Royal Hospital, Dumfries, Scotland

Metaphors for Living

Han Bonarius

University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

The Interaction Model of Communication: Through Experimental Research Towards Existential Relevance



Social Cognitive Development

Charles B. Keasey

Marilyn Shatz

University of Michigan

The Relationship Between Cognitive Processes and the Development of Communication Skills

John H. Flavell

Stanford University

The Development of Knowledge About Visual Perception

Elliot Turiel

University of California, Santa Cruz

Distinct Conceptual and Developmental Domains: Social Convention and Morality

D.B. Bromley

The University of Liverpool, England

Natural Language and the Development of the Self

Martin L. Hoffman

University of Michigan

Empathy, Its Development and Prosocial Implications

Charles Blake Keasey

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Children's Developing Awareness and Usage of Intentionality and Motives

Robert L. Selman

Dan Jaquette

Harvard University

Stability and Oscillation in Interpersonal Awareness: A Clinical-Developmental Analysis

Marcia Guttentag

Cynthia Longfellow

Harvard University

Children's Social Attributions: Development and Change



Human Emotion

Richard A. Dienstbier

James R. Averill

University of Massachusetts Amherst




Joseph V. Brady

Henry H. Emurian

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Behavior Analysis of Motivational and Emotional Interactions in a Programmed Environment

Marianne Frankenhaeuser

Karolinska Institute; University of Stockholm

Psychoneuroendocrine Approaches to the Study of Emotion as Related to Stress and Coping

C.E. Izard

University of Delaware

Emotions as Motivations: An Evolutionary-Developmental Perspective

Silvan S. Tomkins

Rutgers University

Script Theory: Differential Magnification of Affects

Richard A. Dienstbier

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Emotion-Attribution Theory: Establishing Roots and Exploring Future Perspectives



Beliefs, Attitudes and Values

Monte M. Page

Carolyn Wood Sherif

The Pennsylvania State University

Social Values, Attitudes, and the Involvement of the Self

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1979

Martin Fishbein

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A Theory of Reasoned Action: Some Applications and Implications

Herbert C. Kelman

Harvard University

The Role of Action in Attitude Change

Harry C. Triandis

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Values, Attitudes, and Interpersonal Behavior

Milton Rokeach

Washington State University

Some Unresolved Issues in Theories of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values

M. Brewster Smith

University of California, Santa Cruz

Attitudes, Values, and Selfhood



Cognitive Processes

John H. Flowers

Michael Posner

University of Oregon

The Development of Attentional Mechanisms

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1980

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1980

Mary K. Rothbart

University of Oregon

David LaBerge

University of Minnesota

Unitization and Automaticity in Perception

Raymond Nickerson

Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.

Motivated Retrieval from Archival Memory

John R. Anderson

Carnegie-Mellon University

Concepts, Propositions, and Schemata: What Are the Cognitive Units?

Edward E. Smith

Stanford University

Organization of Factual Knowledge

James J. Jenkins

University of Minnesota

Can We Have a Fruitful Cognitive Psychology?



Response Structure and Organization

Daniel J. Bernstein

Robert G. Wahler

University of Tennessee

Response Structure in Deviant Child-Parent Relationships: Implications for Family Therapy

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1981

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1981

James J. Fox

Vanderbilt University

John B. Reid

Oregon Social Learning Center

The Abused Child: Victim, Instigator, or Innocent Bystander?

G. R. Patterson

Oregon Social Learning Center

Rolf Loeber

Oregon Social Learning Center

George H. Collier

Rutgers University

Determinants of Choice

Howard Rachlin

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Absolute and Relative Consumption Space

Peter R. Killeen

Arizona State University

Incentive Theory

Donald M. Baer

University of Kansas

The Imposition of Structure on Behavior and the Demolition of Behavioral Structures



Personality: Current Theory and Research

Monte M. Page

Lawrence A. Pervin

Rutgers University

The Stasis and Flow of Behavior: Toward a Theory of Goals

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1982

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1982

Robert Hogan

The Johns Hopkins University

A Socioanalytic Theory of Personality

Seymour Epstein

University of Massachusetts

A Research Paradigm for the Study of Personality and Emotions

Norman S. Endler

York University

Interactionism: A Personality Model, but Not Yet a Theory

Daryl J. Bem

Cornell University

Toward a Response Style Theory of Persons in Situations

Walter Mischel

Stanford University

Analyzing the Construction of Consistency in Personality

Philip K. Peake

Stanford University



Theories of Schizophrenia and Psychosis

William D. Spaulding & James K. Cole

Rue L. Cromwell

University of Rochester

Preemptive Thinking and Schizophrenia Research

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1983

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1983

P. H. Venables

University of York

Cerebral Mechanisms, Autonomic Responsiveness, and Attention in Schizophrenia

Raymond A. Knight

Brandeis University

Converging Models of Cognitive Deficit in Schizophrenia

Peter A. Magaro

Ohio State University

Psychosis and Schizophrenia

Kurt Salzinger

Polytechnic Institute of New York and the New York State Psychiatric Institute

The Immediacy Hypothesis in a Theory of Schizophrenia

Charles J. Wallace


Clinical University of California at Los Angeles

Cognitive Factors in the Social Skills of Schizophrenic Patients: Implications for Treatment

Steven E. Boone

University of California at Los Angeles

Keith H. Nuechterlein

University of California at Los Angeles

Discussion (Cromwell, Magaro, and Venables)

Herbert E. Spohn

The Menninger Foundation

Discussion (Knight, Salzinger, and Wallace & Boone)



Psychology and Gender

Theo B. Sonderegger

Anne Anastasi


Fordham University

Reciprocal Relations between Cognitive and Affective Development-- With Implications for Sex Differences

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1984

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1984

Anke A. Ehrhardt

Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute

Gender Differences: A Biosocial Perspective

Janet T. Spence

University of Texas at Austin

Gender Identity and Its Implications for the Concepts of Masculinity and Femininity

Jacquelynne Eccles

University of Michigan

Sex Differences in Achievement Patterns

Virginia E. O’Leary

American Psychological Association

Sex as an Attributional Fact

Ranald D. Hansen

Oakland Universtiy

Sandra Lipsitz Bem

Cornell University

Androgeny and Gender Schema Theory: A Conceptual and Empirical Integration

Joan C. Martin

University of Washington

Perinatal Psychoactive Drug Use: Effects on Gender, Development, and Function in Offspring

Judith Rodin

Yale University

Women and Weight: A Normative Discontent

Lisa Silberstein

Yale University

Ruth Striegel-Moore

Yale University



The Law as a Behavioral Instrument

Gary B. Melton

Laura Nader

University of California, Berkeley

A User Theory of Legal Change as Applied to Gender

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1985

 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation - 1985

Stephen J. Morse

University of Southern California

Psychology, Determinism, and Legal Responsibility

Jack P. Gibbs

Vanderbilt University

Deterrence Theory and Research

Richard J. Bonnie

University of Virginia

The Efficacy of Law as a Paternalistic Instrument

Stanley L. Brodsky

University of Alabama

Empirical Assessment and Civil Actions

Gary B. Melton


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Law as an Instrument of Socialization and Social Structure

Michael J. Saks

Boston College



Alcohol and Addictive Behavior

P. Clayton Rivers

Peter E. Nathan

Rutgers University

What Do Behavioral Scientists Know—and What Can They Do—about Alcoholism?


Robert A. Zucker

Michigan State University

The Four Alcoholisms: A Developmental Account of the Etiologic Process

Richard W. Wilsnack

University of North Dakota

Antecedents and Consequences of Drinking and Drinking Problems in Women: Patterns from a U.S. National Survey


Sharon C. Wilsnack

University of North Dakota

Albert D. Klassen


University of North Dakota

Theodore Jacob

University of Pittsburgh

Alcoholism: A Family Interaction Perspective

Shirley Y. Hill

University of Pittsburgh

Biological Markers for Alcoholism: A Vulnerability Model Conceptualization

Stuart R. Steinhauer

University of Pittsburgh

Joseph Zubin

University of Pittsburgh

Timothy B. Baker


University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Motivation to Use Drugs: A Psychobiological Analysis of Urges



Comparative Perspectives in Modern Psychology

Daniel W. Leger

Donald A. Dewsbury

University of Florida

The Comparative Psychology of Monogamy


Meredith J. West

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Coming to Terms With the Everyday Language of Comparative Psychology

Andrew P. King

McMaster University

Martin Daly

McMaster University

The Darwinian Psychology of Discriminative Parental Solicitude

Margo Wilson

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Charles T. Snowdon

Georgia State University; Emory University

A Comparative Approach to Vocal Communication

Sue Savage-Rumbaugh

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

A New Look at Ape Language: Comprehension of Vocal Speech and Syntax

Alan C. Kamil


A Synthetic Approach to the Study of Animal Intelligence



Socioemotional Development

Ross A. Thompson

Carol Z. Malatesta

Long Island University

The Role of Emotions in the Development and Organization of Personality


Inge Bretherton

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Open Communication and Internal Working Models: Their Role in the Development of Attachment Relationships

Carolyn Saarni

Sonoma State University

Emotional Competence: How Emotions and Relationships Become Integrated

Carolyn Zahn-Waxler

National Institute of Mental Health

The Origins of Guilt

Grazyna Kochanska

National Institute of Mental Health

Dante Cicchetti

University of Rochester

The Organization and Coherence of Socioemotional, Cognitive, and Representational Development: Illustrations Through a Developmental Psychopathology Perspective on Down Syndrome and Child Maltreatment

Ross A. Thompson

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Emotion and Self-Regulation



Cross-Cultural Perspectives

John J. Berman

Gustav Jahoda

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Our Forgotten Ancestors


Harry C. Triandis

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Cross-Cultural Studies of Individualism and Collectivism

Cigdem Kagitcibasi


Bogazici University, Bebek-Istanbul

Family and Socialization in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Model of Change

J. W. Berry

Queen’s University Kingston, Canada

Psychology of Acculturation

Juris G. Draguns

Pennsylvania State University

Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Specifying the Nature of Their Relationship

Michael Cole

University of California, San Diego

Cultural Psychology: A Once and Future Discipline?



Perspectives on Motivation

Richard A. Dienstbier

Mortimer H. Appley

Clark University

Motivation, Equilibration, and Stress


Albert Bandura

Stanford University

Self-Regulation of Motivation Through Anticipatory and Self-Reactive Mechanisms

Bernard Weiner

University of California, Los Angeles

On Perceiving the Other as Responsible

Carol S. Dweck

Columbia University

Self-Theories and Goals: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development

Edward L. Deci

University of Rochester

A Motivational Approach to Self: Integration in Personality

Richard M. Ryan

University of Rochester

Douglas Derryberry

University of Oregon

The Adaptive Base of the Neural Hierarchy: Elementary Motivational Controls on Network Function

Don M. Tucker

University of Oregon



Psychology and Aging

Theo B. Sonderegger

James E. Birren

University of California, Los Angeles

Aging and Slowing of Behavior: Consequences for Cognition and Survival


Laurel M. Fisher

University of California, Los Angeles

Martha Storandt

Washington University, St. Louis

Memory-Skills Training for Older Adults

I. M. Hulicka

Buffalo State College

Teaching Aging in Psychology Courses: Comments on Why, What, and How

Paul B. Baltes

Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin

Wisdom and Successful Aging

Jacqui Smith

Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin

Ursula M. Staudinger

Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin

Paul T. Costa, Jr.

National Institute on Aging

Trait Psychology Comes of Age

Robert R. McCrae

National Institute on Aging

W. Warner Schaie

Pennsylvania State University

Natural Cohorts: Family Similarity in Adult Cognition

Robert Plomin


Pennsylvania State University

Sherry L. Willis

Pennsylvania State University

Ann Gruber-Baldini


Pennsylvania State University

Ranjana Duttta

Pennsylvania State University

Ross A. Thompson

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Maturing the Study of Aging: Discussant’s Commentary



Developmental Perspectives on Motivation

Janis E. Jacobs

Richard M. Ryan

University of Rochester

Agency and Organization: Intrinsic Motivation, Autonomy, and the Self in Psychological Development


Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi

University of Chicago

The Measurement of Flow in Everyday Life: Toward a Theory of Emergent Motivation

Kevin Rathunde

University of Utah

Susan Harter

University of Denver

Visions of Self: Beyond the Me in the Mirror

Jacquelynne S. Eccles

University of Michigan

School and Family Effects on the Ontogeny of Children's Interests, Self-Perceptions, and Activity Choices

Laura L. Carstensen

Stanford University

Motivation for Social Contact across the Life Span

Richard M. Ryan

University of Rochester

Commentary on the Fortieth Nebraska Symposium on Motivation





Integrative Views of Motivation, Cognitive, and Emotion


William D. Spaulding


Herbert A. Simon

Carnegie Mellon University

The Bottleneck of Attention: Connecting Thought with Motivation


Muriel D. Lezak

Oregon Health Sciences University

Domains of Behavior from a Neuropsychological Perspective: The Whole Story

Howard Gardner

Harvard University

The Stories of the Right Hemisphere

John A. Bargh

New York University

Environmental Control of Goal-directed Action: Automatic and Strategic Contingencies between Situations and Behavior

Peter M. Gollwitzer

Universitat Konstanz

Nancy Cantor

Princeton University

Social Intelligence and Intelligent Goal Pursuit: A Cognitive Slice of Motivation

William Fleeson

Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research

Don C. Fowles

University of Iowa

A Motivational Theory of Psychopathology





The Individual, the Family and Social Good: Personal Fulfillment in Times of Change


Gary B. Melton


James Garabarino

Cornell University

Growing Up in a Socially Toxic Environment: Life for Children and Family in the 1990s


Allen M. Parkman

University of New Mexico

The Deterioration of the Family: A Law and Economics Perspective

Tom R. Tyler

University of California, Berkeley

Community, Family, and the Social Good: The Psychological Dynamics of Procedural Justice and Social Identification

Peter Degoey

University of California, Berkeley

Mati Heidmets

Tallin (Estonia) Pedagogical University

Social or Individual Orientation? Dilemmas in a Post-Communist World

Jill E. Korbin

Case Western Reserve University

Social Networks and Family Violence in Cross Cultural Perspective

Eleanor E. Maccoby

Stanford University

Divorce and Custody: The Rights, Needs, and Obligations of Mothers, Fathers, and Children





Perspectives on Anxiety, Panic, and Fear


Debra A. Hope


Caroll E. Izard

University of Delaware

The Activation and Regulation of Fear and Anxiety

The Neuropsychology of Anxiety: Reprise


Eric A. Youngstrom


University of Delaware

Jeffrey A. Gray

University of London

The Neuropsychology of Anxiety: Reprise

Conditioning and Ethological Models of Anxiety Disorders: Stress-in-Dynamic-Context Anxiety Models

Neil McNaughton

University of Otago

Susan Mineka

Northwestern University

Conditioning and Ethological Models of Anxiety Disorders: Stress-in-Dynamic-Context Anxiety Models

Richard Zinbarg

University of Oregon

Richard J. McNally

Harvard University

Cognitive Bias in the Anxiety Disorders

David H. Barlow

University at Albany, State University of New York

Fear, Panic, Anxiety and Disorders of Emotion


Bruce F. Chorpita

University at Albany, State University of New York

Julia Turovsky

University at Albany, State University of New York





Motivation and Delinquency

D. Wayne Osgood


Joan McCord

Temple University

“He Did It Because He Wanted To…”


Michael Rutter

Institute of Psychiatry, London

Heterogeneity of Antisocial Behavior: Causes, Continuities, and Consequences

Barbara Maughan

Institute of Psychiatry, London

Joanne Meyer

Millenium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Andrew Pickles

Institute of Psychiatry, London

Judy Silberg

Virginia Commonwealth University

Emily Simonoff

Institute of Psychiatry, London

Eric Taylor

Institute of Psychiatry, London

Gerald R. Patterson

Oregon Social Learning Center

A Developmental Model for Late-Onset Delinquency

Karen Yoerger

Oregon Social Learning Center

James T. Tedeschi

University at Albany, State University of New York

A Social Interactionist Interpretation of the Motives for Youth Violence

Karen Heimer

University of Iowa

A Symbolic Interactionist Theory of Motivation and Deviance: Interpreting Psychological Research

Ross L. Matsueda

University of Iowa





Gender and Motivation


Dan Bernstein


Carol Tarvis

Los Angeles, California

The Science and Politics of Gender Research: The Meanings of Difference


Reed Larson

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hidden Feelings: Emotionality in Boys and Men

Joseph Pleck

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Nicki R. Crick

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Childhood Aggression and Gender: A New Look at an Old Problem

Nicole E. Werner

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Juan F. Casas

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Kathryn M. O’Brien

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

David A. Nelson

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Jennifer K. Grotpeter

University of Colorado at Boulder

Kristian Markon

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Leonore Tiefer

Albert Einstein College of Medicine; New York University School of Medicine

Challenging Sexual Naturalism, the Shibboleth of Sex Research and Popular Sexology

Diane L. Gill

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Gender and Competitive Motivation: From the Recreation Center to the Olympic Arena



Motivation and Child Maltreatment


David J. Hansen


Cathy Spatz Widom

University at Albany

Motivation and Mechanisms in the “Cycle of Violence”


Joel S. Milner

Northern Illinois University

Social Information Processing and Child Physical Abuse: Theory and Research

Dante Cicchetti

University of Rochester

Developmental Processes in Maltreated Children

Sheree L. Toth

University of Rochester

Deborah A. Daro

National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse

Child Abuse Prevention: New Directions and Challenges

John S. Lutzker

University of Judaism

Balancing Research and Treatment in Child Maltreatment: The Quest for Good Data and Practical Service

Ross A. Thompson

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Understanding the Dynamics of Child Maltreatment: Child Harm, Family Healing, and Public Policy (Discussant’s Commentary)



Evolutionary Psychology and Motivation

Jeffrey A. French, Alan C. Kamil & Daniel W. Leger

Martin Daly

McMaster University

Risk-Taking, Intrasexual Competition, and Homicide



Margo Wilson

McMaster University

Steven W. Gangestad

University of New Mexico

Adaptive Design, Selective History, and Women's Sexual Motivations

Martha K. McClintock

University of Chicago

Pheromones and Vasanas: The Functions of Social Chemosignals


Suma Jacob

University of Chicago

Bethanne Zelano

University of Chicago

Davinder J. S. Hayreh

University of Chicago

Gerd Gigerenzer

Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The Adaptive Toolbox: Toward a Darwinian Rationality

Robert M. Seyfarth

University of Pennsylvania

Cognitive Strategies and the Representation of Social Relations by Monkeys


Dorothy L. Cheney

University of Pennsylvania

Randolph M. Nesse

University of Michigan

Motivation and Melancholy: A Darwinian Perspective



Agency, Motivation, and the Life Course

Lisa J. Crockett

Jochen Brandtstadter

University of Trier, Germany

Intentional Self-Development: Exploring the Interfaces between Development, Intentionality, and the Self


Klaus Rothermund

University of Trier, Germany

Ellen Skinner

Portland State University

Parenting, Motivation, and the Development of Children's Coping

Kathleen Edge

Portland State University

Michael J. Shanahan

Pennsylvania State University

History, Agency, and the Life Course


Glen H. Elder, Jr.

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill




Cross-Cultural Differences in the Perspectives on the Self

Virginia Murphy-Berman & John J. Berman

Hazel Rose Markus

Stanford University

Models of Agency: Sociocultural Diversity in the Construction of Action


Shinobu Kitayama

Kyoto University, Japan

Joan G. Miller

The New School University

Culture and Agency: Implications for Psychological Theories of Motivation and Social Development

Steven J. Heine

University of British Columbia

An Exploration of Cultural Variation in Self-Enhancing and Self-Improving Motivations

Sheena S. Iyengar

Columbia University

Rethinking the Value of Choice: Considering Cultural Mediators of Intrinsic Motivation

Sanford E. DeVoe

Stanford University

Kuo-Shu Yang

National Taiwan University, Taipei

Beyond Maslow’s Culture-Bound Linear Theory: A Preliminary Statement of the Double-Y Model of Basic Human Needs

Ype H. Poortinga

Tilburg University, Netherlands; Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Coherence of Culture and Generalizability Data: Two Questionable Assumptions in Cross-Cultural Psychology



Motivational Factors in the Etiology of Drug Abuse

Rick A. Bevins & Michael T. Bardo

George F. Koob

The Scripps Research Institute

Allostatic View of Motivation: Implications for Psychopathology


Harriet de Wit

University of Chicago

Dual Determinants of Drug Use in Humans: Reward and Impulsivity

Jerry B. Richards

University of Chicago

R.D. Spealman

Harvard Medical School

Triggers of Relapse: Nonhuman Primate Models of Reinstated Cocaine Seeking

B. Lee

Harvard Medical School

S. Tiefenbacher

Harvard Medical School

D.M. Platt

Harvard Medical School

J.K. Rowlett

Harvard Medical School

T.V. Khroyan

Harvard Medical School

Jaak Panksepp

Bowling Green State University

The Role of Emotional Systems in Addiction: A Neuroethological Perspective

Christine Nocjar

Bowling Green State University

Jeff Burgdorf

Bowling Green State University

Jules B. Panksepp

Bowling Green State University

Robert Huber

Bowling Green State University

Michael T. Bardo

University of Kentucky

Biological Connection between Novelty- and Drug-Seeking Motivational Systems

Linda P. Dwoskin

University of Kentucky

Roy A. Wise

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Drive, Incentive, and Reinforcement: The Antecedents and Consequences of Motivation

Jane Stewart

Concordia University, Canada

Pathways to Relapse: Factors Controlling the Reinitiation of Drug Seeking after Abstinence

M. Vogel-Sprott

University of Waterloo

Drugs, Behavior, and Environmental Sources of Motivation: Bridging a Gap





Moral Motivation Through the Life Span


Gustavo Carlo, & Carolyn Pope Edwards

Jerome Kagan

Harvard University

Human Morality and Temperament


Ervin Staub

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Roots of Goodness: The Fulfillment of Basic Needs and the Development of Caring, Helping and Nonaggression, Inclusive Caring, Moral Courage, Active Bystandership and Altruism Born of Suffering

Nancy Eisenberg

Arizona State University

The Development of Empathy-Related Responding

Darcia Narvaez

University of Notre Dame

The Neo-Kohlbergian Tradition and Beyond: Schemas, Expertiese and Character

Daniel Hart

Rutgers University

The Development of Moral Identity

F. Clark Power

University of Notre Dame

Motivation and Moral Development: A Trifocal Perspective



Modeling Complex Systems

Bill Shuart, Will Spauling & Jeffrey Poland

Richard W.J. Neufeld

University of Western Ontario

Composition and Uses of Formal Clinical Cognitive Science


Wolfgang Tschacher

University of Bern

A Dynamics-Oriented Approach to Psychopathology


Zeno Kupper

University of Bern

Susanne P. Lajoie

McGill University

Developing Computer-Based Learning Environments Based on Complex Performance Models

Mark A. Musen

Stanford University

Technology for Building Intelligent Systems: From Psychology to Engineering

Eduardo Salas

University of Central Florida

Fostering Team Effectiveness in Organizations: Toward and Integrative Theoretical Framework


Kevin C. Stagl

University of Central Florida

C. Shawn Burke

University of Central Florida

Gerald F. Goodwin

U.S. Army Research Institute

Michael J. Mahoney

University of North Texas

Constructive Complexity and Human Change Processes





Motivational Aspects of Prejudice and Racism


Cynthia Willis-Esqueda


Amado M. Padilla

Stanford University

Social Cognition, Ethnic Identity, and Ethnic Specific Strategies for Coping with Threat due to Prejudice and Discrimination


John F. Dovidio

University of Connecticut

New Directions in Aversive Racism Research: Persistence and Pervasiveness


Samuel L. Gaertner

University of Delaware

John C. Brigham

Florida State University

The Role of Race and Racial Prejudice
in Recognizing Other People

Samuel L. Gaertner

University of Delaware

Addressing Contemporary Racism: The Common Ingroup Identity Model

John F. Dovidio

University of Connecticut





Contemporary Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Identities


Debra A. Hope


Ritch Savin-Williams

Cornell University

How Many Gays are There? It Depends


J. Michael Bailey

Northwestern University

What is Sexual Orientation and Do Women Have One?

Gregory M.  Herek

University of California, Davis

Sexual Stigma and Sexual Prejudice in the
United States: A Conceptual Framework

Esther D. Rothblum

San Diego State University

An Overview of Same-Sex Couples in Relation Ships: A Research Area Still at Sea

Charlotte J. Patterson

University of Virginia

Lesbian and Gay Parents and their Children:
A Social Science Perspective

Marvin R. Goldfried

Stony Brook University

Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage Among
Sexual Minorities- and Bias: Discussion of the
54th Nebraska Symposium on Motivation




The Motivational Impact of Nicotine and Its Role in Tobacco Use


Rick A. Bevins & Anthony R. Caggiula

Andon N. Placzek

Baylor College of Medicine

Synaptic Plasticity Within Midbrain Dopamine Centers Contributes to Nicotine Addiction


John Dani

Baylor College of Medicine

Darlene H. Brunzell

Virginia Commonwealth University

Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Motivational Effects of Nicotine

Marina R. Picciotto

Yale University School of Medicine

Linda P. Dwoskin

University of Kentucky

Targeting Reward-Relevant Nicotinic Receptors in the Discovery of
Novel Pharmacotherapeutic Agents to Treat Tobacco Dependence

Marharyta Pivavarchyk

Baylor College of Medicine

B. Matthew Joyce

Virginia Commonwealth University

Nichole M. Neugebauer

Yale University School of Medicine

Guangrong Zheng

University of Kentucky

Zhenfa Zhang

University of Kentucky

Michael T. Bardo

University of Kentucky

Peter A. Crooks

University of Kentucky

Athina Markou

University of California, San Diego

Multiple Motivational Forces Contribute
to Nicotine Dependence

Neil E. Paterson

University of California, San Diego

Anthony R. Caggiula

University of Pittsburgh

The Role of Nicotine in Smoking: A Dual-Reinforcement Model

Eric C. Donny

University of Pittsburgh

Matthew I. Palmatier

Kansas State University

Xiu Liu

University of Pittsburgh

Nadia Chaudhri

University of California, San Francisco

Alan F. Sved

University of Pittsburgh

Rick A. Bevins

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Altering the Motivational Function of Nicotine through
Conditioning Processes

Jed E. Rose

Duke University Medical Center

New Findings on Nicotine Addiction and Treatment 

Kenneth A. Perkins

Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Sex Differences in Nicotine Reinforcement and Reward: Influences
on the Persistence of Tobacco Smoking

Stephen T. Tiffany

State University of New York at Buffalo

The Functional Significance of Craving in Nicotine Dependence

Mathew W. Warthen

University of Utah

Katherine C. Goedeker

Purdue University

Michael T. Bardo

University of Kentucky

The Motivational Impact of Nicotine and Its Role in Tobacco Use: Final Comments and Priorities

Paul Schnur

National Institutes of Health





Emotion and the Law: Psychological Perspectives


Brian H. Bornstein & Richard L. Wiener


Joseph P. Forgas

University of New South Wales, Australia

Affect in Legal and Forensic Settings: The Cognitive Benefits of Not Being Too Happy


Neal Feigenson

Quinnipiac University School of Law

Emotional Influences on Judgments of Legal Blame: How They Happen, Whether They Should, and What to Do About It

Norbert L. Kerr

Michigan State University

Explorations in Juror Emotion and Juror Judgment

Joel D. Lieberman

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Inner Terror and Outward Hate: The Effects of Mortality Salience on Bias Motivated Attacks

Cara Laney

University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

Truth in Emotional Memories

Elizabeth F. Loftus

University of California, Irvine

Jeremy A. Blumenthal

Syracuse University

A Moody View of the Law: Looking Back and Looking Ahead at Law and the Emotions





Health Disparities in Youth and Families: Research and Applications


Gustavo Carlo, Lisa J. Crockett & Miguel A. Carranza


Ana Mari Cauce

University of Washington

The Face of the Future: Risk and Resilience in Minority Youth


Rick Cruz

University of Washington

Marissa Corona

University of Washington

Rand Conger

University of California, Davis

Vonnie C. McLoyd

University of North Carolina

How Money Matters for Children’s Socioemotional Adjustment: Family Processes and Parental Investment

Sandra Graham

University of California, Los Angeles

School Racial/Ethnic Diversity and Disparities in Mental Health and Academic Outcomes

Andrew J. Fuligni

University of California, Los Angeles

Social Identity, Motivation, and Well Being Among Adolescents
from Asian and Latin American Backgrounds

Les B. Whitbeck

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Beginnings of Mental Health Disparities: Emergent
Mental Disorders Among Indigenous Adolescents

William A. Vega

University of Southern California

Understanding the Hispanic Health Paradox Through
a Multi-Generation Lens: A Focus on Behavior Disorders

William M. Sribney

Third Way Statistics





True and False Recovered Memories: Toward a Reconciliation of the Debate

Robert F. Belli

Marcia K. Johnson

Yale University

The Cognitive Neuroscience of True and False Memories


Carol L. Raye

Yale University

Karen J. Mitchell

Yale University

Elizabeth Ankudowich

Yale University

Michael C. Anderson

University of Cambridge, England

Towards a Cognitive and Neurobiological Model
of Motivated Forgetting

Ean Huddleston

University of Cambridge, England

Richard J. McNally

Harvard University

Searching for Repressed Memory

Chris R. Brewin

University College London, England

A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Recovered
Memory Experiences

Elke Geraerts

Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Cognitive Underpinnings of Recovered Memories
of Childhood Abuse

Anne P. DePrince

University of Denver

Motivated Forgetting and Misremembering: Perspectives
 from Betrayal Trauma Theory


Laura S. Brown

Seattle, WA; private practice

Ross E. Cheit

Brown University

Jennifer J. Freyd

University of Oregon

Steven N. Gold

Nova Southeastern University

Kathy Pezdek

Claremont Graduate University

Kathryn Quina

University of Rhode Island



Memory and Motivation: Visual Search


Michael D. Dodd & John H. Flowers


Raymond Klein

Dalhousie University

Searching in Space and Time


Jan Theeuwes

Vrije University

Automatic Control of Visual Selection

Andrew Hollingworth

University of Iowa

Interactions Between Visual Memory and Saccade Rarget Selection During Search

Nick Turk-Browne

Princeton University

Statistical Learning and Its Consequences

Steven Yantis


Johns Hopkins University

Reward and Attentional Control in Visual Search

Stephen Mitroff

Duke University

Examining Influences on Applied Visual Search Performance

Jeremy Wolfe


Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Women's Hospital

What's My Motivation in this Scene? Visual Search When It Really Counts



Objectification and (De)Humanization

Sarah J. Gervais

Rachel Calogero

Virginia Wesleyan College

Objects Don't Object: An Integrative System Justification Perspective on Objectification


Nicholas Epley

University of Chicago

Humanization: Motivated Perception of Pets as People and People as Animals

Susan Fiske

Princeton University

Varieties of (De)Humanizing Experience

Jamie Goldenberg

The University of South Florida

The Objectification of Women as Terror Management

Nicholas Haslam

University of Melbourne

Bodies and Beasts, Minds and Meat, Objects and Otherness

Bonnie Moradi

University of Florida

Toward a Pantheoretical Framework for Understanding the Mental Health Implications of Dehumanization Experiences: An Integration of Objectification and Minority Stress Theories



Genes and the Motivation to Use Substances

Scott F. Stoltenberg

Matt McGue

University of Minnesota

The Adolescent Origins of Substance Use Disorders: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2013

Robert Zucker

University of Michigan

Genes, Brain, Behavior and Context: The Developmental Matrix of Addictive Behavior

Arpana Agrawal

Washington University

Has the Genetics of Cannabis Involvement Gone to Pot?

John C. Crabbe

Oregon Health & Sciences University

Rodent Models of Genetic Contributions to Alcohol Abuse

David Goldman

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Discovery of Genes Influencing Addiction by Deep Sequencing Humans and Model Organisms

Robert Philibert

University of Iowa

The DNA Methylation Signature of Smoking: An Emerging Archetype for the Identification of Biomarkers for Behavioral Illness



Cooperation and Compliance with Authority: The Role of Institutional Trust

Brian H. Bornstein and Alan J. Tomkins

Karen Hegtvedt Emory University Creating Legitimacy: The Interrelated Roles of Justice and Trust

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2014

James Gibson Washington University in St. Louis

Legitimacy Is for Losers: The Role of Institutional Legitimacy and the Symbols of Judicial Authority in Inducing Acquiescence to Disagreeable Court Rulings

David Rottman National Center for State Courts Who Trusts Trial Courts, to What Degree, and Why?
Jonathan Jackson London School of Economics and Political Science

Motivating Cooperation: A Comparative Cross-National Analysis of Procedural Justice and Legitimacy

Elizabeth Theiss-Morse University of Nebraska-Lincoln The Impact of Polarization on Political Trust
Robert MacCoun University of California-Berkeley

Fostering Public Trust in Social Science Expertise

Peter Ping Li Copenhagen Business School Trust beyond Trustworthiness: When Trust Matters the Most
David Schoorman Purdue University Would Trust by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet? Reflections on the Meanings and Uses of Trust across Disciplines and Context



The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia: Molecules, Brain systems, Motivation, Cognition, and Treatment

Ming Li and William Spaulding

William Carpenter and Gregory P. Strauss

University of Maryland and State University of New York at Binghamton Avolition in Schizophrenia: A Failure to Translate Reward Information into Motivated Behavior

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2015

Bruce Cuthbert and Sarah Morris National Institute of Mental Heath, NIH

The NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project: New Approaches to Classifying Psychotic Spectrum Disorders

Raquel Gur University of Pennsylvania Neurodevelopmental Genomic Strategies in the Study of the Psychosis Spectrum
Ruben Gur University of Pennsylvania

Multimodal Brain and Behavior Indices of Psychosis Risk

David Lewis University of Pittsburgh A Neural Circuitry Basis for Impaired Cortical Network Oscillations and Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophrenia
Steven Silverstein Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences

What Do Visual Processing Impairments Tell Us About the Eye, The Brain, Symptom Formation, and Illness Course in Schizophrenia?



Impulsivity: How Time and Risk Influence Decision Making

Jeffrey Stevens

Warren Bickel

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute Trans-Diagnostic Approach to Preventing and Treating Behavioral Dysfunction

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2015

Suzanne Mitchell Oregon Health & Science University

Impulsivity and Effort-Related Decision-Making in Psychopathology

Philip Peake Smith College Delay of Gratification: Experimental, Longitudinal, and Interventional Explorations of How Preschoolers Wait and What It Might Mean Across the Lifecourse
Michael Platt University of Pennsylvania

Neural Mechanisms Mediating Self-Regulation

Valerie Reyna Cornell University A Fuzzy Trace Theory of Risk and Time Preferences in Decision Making: Integrating Cognition and Motivation
Trevor Robbins University of Cambridge

Fractionating Impulsivity: Neural Substrates and Neuropsychiatric Implications

Bram Tucker University of Georgia

Risk and Time Preference and Decision-Making in the Field: Limits, Possibilities, and Future Directions as Glimpsed from a Rural Southwestern Madagascar Case Study



Change and Maintaining Change

Rick Bevins and Debra Hope

Dolores Albarracín

University of Illinois Actionable Communications and Interventions to Change Behavior: Cognitive and Motivational Processes and Implications for Practice

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2017

Chloe Bird RAND Insights on Addressing Social Psychological and Social Structural Impediments to Behavioral Change: The Case of Cisgender Women Newly Diagnosed with HIV
Stephen Higgins University of Vermont Tobacco Control and Regulatory Science Research on Motivating Behavior Change in Vulnerable Populations
George Koob NIAAA Motivating Change in Addiction Via Modulation of the Dark Side of Addiction
Greg Madden Utah State University It’s All Lunch & Games: Increasing Healthy Eating in Elementary Schools
Connie Roser-Renouf George Mason University Strategic Communication, Public Opinion, and Climate Change: A Program of Translational Research to Build Public Engagement with a Contested Threat



Emotion in the Mind and Body

Maital Neta and Ingrid Haas

Deanna Barch

Washington University in St. Louis Mechanisms of Motivational Impairments in Psychosis and Depression

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2018

Elaine Fox University of Oxford

The Contribution of Cognitive Biases and Genes to Psychological Wellbeing

James Gross Stanford University Motivation: A Valuation Systems Perspective
Brian Knutson Stanford University

Towards a Deep Science of Affect and Motivation

Kevin Ochsner Columbia University Evolving Perspectives on Emotion, Emotion Regulation and Their Social Context
Leah Somerville Harvard University

How Emotion and Motivation Influence Goal Directed Behavior Differently from Childhood to Adulthood

Tor Wager University of Colorado Boulder

Reproducible, Generalizable Brain Models of Affective Processes



Nature and Psychology: How the Natural World Shapes Our Cognition

Anne Schutte, Julia Torquati, and Jeffrey Stevens

Marc Berman

University of Chicago Environmental Neuroscience: Uncovering the Extensive Interactions between Neurobiology, Psychology, Behavior and the Environment

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2019

Louise Chawla University of Colorado-Boulder

Knowing Nature in Childhood: Placing Cognition in Social and Environmental Contexts

Terry Hartig Uppsala University Restorative Environments Theory: Beyond the Conventional Narrative
Harry Heft Denison University


William Sullivan University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Landscapes and Your Brain
Agnes van den Berg University of Groningen

Aspects of Natural Environments that Trigger Positive Responses to Nature

Nancy Wells Cornell University

The Natural Environment: Challenge, Inequity and Resilience



Alcohol and Sexual Violence

David DiLillo, Sarah Gervais, Dennis McChargue

Antonia Abbey

Wayne State University Alcohol and Men's Sexual Assault Perpetration Against Women: How is our Understanding Hampered by Limitations in Existing Measures?

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2021

Kelly Cue Davis Arizona State University

Understanding Alcohol-Involved Sexual Aggression Through the Science of Behavior Change

Robert C. Freeman National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA Funding Update and Q&A
Dean Kilpatrick Medical University of South Carolina Understanding and Addressing the Problem of Alcohol and Sexual Violence: We've Made Progress But Still Have Miles to Go
Lindsay Orchowski Brown University Alcohol Use and Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military: Considerations for Prevention
Dominic Parrott Georgia State University

Alcohol-Related Sexual Violence Perpetration Toward Sexual and Gender Minority Populations: A Critical Review and Call to Action

Maria Testa University of Buffalo

Person, Place, and Drink: 30 Years of Research to Understand and Prevent Alcohol-Related Sexual Assault



Canine Cognition and the Human Bond

Jeffrey Stevens

Anindita Bhadra

Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata A Dog's Life in the Human Jungle

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 2022

John-Tyler Binfet University of British Columbia

Dogs on Campus: Lessons Learned from 10 Years Overseeing Canine-Assisted Interventions and Programming

Brian Hare Duke University Is Dog Cognition the Secret to Working Dog Success?
Jeffrey Katz Auburn University Dog, Human, and Robot Bonding: Past, Present, and Future
Patricia Pendry Washington State University Conceptual and Pathway Models Guiding Research on Identifying Active Treatment Components of AAIs on Stress-Related Outcomes
Friederike Range University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

Wolves-Humans-Dogs: How Did Domestication Change the Human-Canine Relationship?

Kerri Rodriguez Colorado State University

PTSD Service Dogs for Military Veterans: Current Knowledge and Future Directions