Degree Forms: |
6 steps required by Graduate Studies en route to Ph.D. |
Students: |
All links to the following forms will re-direct you to the Graduate Studies website so that you can be confident that the forms are current! |
Masters Degree Forms |
Step 1: Memorandum of Courses (PDF) |
Step 2: Final Examination Report for Masters Degree (PDF) |
Doctoral Degree Forms |
Step 3: (PDF) Appointment of the Supervisory Committee (self-explanatory) Step 3a: Change of Supervisory Committee Form |
Step 4: (PDF) Program of Studies for the Doctoral Degree (submit before comps) |
Step 5: Application for Admission to Candidacy (PDF, comps exam form) Must be filed with Graduate Studies seven months before expected graduation. |
Step 6: (PDF) Application for Final Oral Examination or Waiver of Examination for Doctoral Degree |