The Cognitive Psychology Ph.D. is designed for students who have interests in human information processing and cognition, such as perception, attention, and memory. We encourage applications from students whose research interests align with or complement those of current faculty and students. Cognitive topics include: visual attention, perception, and oculomotor behavior (Dodd), development of spatial cognition and memory (Schutte), autobiographical memory, eyewitness memory, and errors of memory (Belli, Bornstein, Dodd), cognitive and evolutionary perspectives in decision making (Stevens), individual differences in cognition (Belli, Dodd), cognitive aspects of survey responses (Belli), suggestibility and neuroimaging (Belli), legal and medical decision making (Bornstein, Wiener), development of cognition across the lifespan (Bornstein, Schutte), and applications of cognitive psychology to teaching (Garbin). Other psychology faculty members whose interests include aspects of cognition are Scott Stoltenberg (Neuroscience and Behavior), William Spaulding (Clinical Psychology), and John Flowers (Professor Emeritus, Cognitive Psychology).
Core Faculty
- Bob Belli
- Brian Bornstein
- Mike Dodd
- Calvin Garbin
- Anne Schutte
- Jeffrey Stevens
- Rich Wiener
Jamie Longwell
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
238 Burnett Hall