Samantha Kirk
Samantha Kirk, Psychological Consultation Center
Burnett Hall 325
Samantha handles and oversees the day to day operations of the Psychological Consultation Center.
She provides assistance with the PCC policies and procedures. She also helps graduate students
with their files, paperwork and client schedules. Samantha assists students with accessing assessments
and scoring once they have have been administered. She also maintains students PCC travel funds.
Jamie Longwell
Human Resources Specialist/Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Burnett Hall 238
Jamie processes graduate applications and helps with admissions. She helps grad students access
RAC/Warden funding for travel and research and helps with the reimbursement of these funds. Jamie
maintains graduate student records and supports student with required grad program paperwork. Jamie
also performs many functions in the Psychology Department's business office such as generating permission
codes for course registration, submitting research participant payments, and processing HR hiring paperwork.