The psychology department held the annual Awards Celebration on April 8, 2019, in the Nebraska Union. The annual event provided an opportunity to celebrate the impressive accomplishments of our outstanding undergraduate students.
The David Levine Diversity Enhancement Award for undergraduate research was awarded to Elizabeth Otto. The Donald D. Jensen Undergraduate Research Award was presented to Elizabeth Alexander for her senior thesis titled “The Relationship between Maternal PTSD and Child Internalizing Behaviors: The Influence of Parenting Stress and Social Support.” Finally, the Harry K. Wolfe Award, presented annually to the most outstanding senior psychology major, was presented to Alexius Hartman. A number of other students were recognized as nominees for these awards.
New officers for the student organizations were sworn in and the accomplishments of the outstanding current officers were recognized. Our chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was recognized for its 90th anniversary, and inducted 44 new members.
We also recognized undergraduate students graduating with distinction in May 2019, including:
- 23 students graduating with distinction, which requires a cumulative GPA of 3.85 or a GPA of 3.5 plus successful completion of a thesis
- 12 students graduating with high distinction, which requires a cumulative GPA of 3.92 or a GPA of 3.85 plus successful completion of a thesis
- 6 students graduating with highest distinction, which requires a cumulative GPA of 3.92 plus successful completion of a thesis
Congratulations to everyone recognized at the event and thank you to the generous donors who made many of these awards possible. Thanks also to Marybeth Helmink, psychology department advisor, and Dr. Carolyn Brown-Kramer, Psi Chi and UPO faculty advisor, for their work organizing the event the Sarata Diversity Enhancement Committee who reviewed applications for the Levine Award, and the Undergraduate Committee for their review of applications for the Wolfe and Jensen awards.

Alexius Hartman receives the Wolfe Award

Elizabeth Alexander receives the Jensen Award

Elizabeth Otto receives the Levine Award