Fall 2013 News from the Psychology Department

Department of Psychology

News from the psychology department

Dear Alumni, Students, Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to the 2013 edition of the Department of Psychology newsletter!

Read the letter from the department chair »

Rick Bevins

The best thing about being part of the psychology department

We asked psychology department students and faculty, “What is the best thing about being part of the psychology department?”

Here’s what they said »


World-class brain imaging center opens

The Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior (CB3) is an interdisciplinary research center that includes 46 state-of-the-art brain imaging, genetic, vestibular/balance, endocrine and behavioral research laboratories. The center houses three different brain-imaging systems, which include high-density electroencephalography (EEG), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Read more »

Brain Imaging Center

Kicking addictions may be more difficult than we thought

Throughout recorded history, humans have used substances for the physical and/or psychological changes they produce. People are motivated to use substances because they can produce euphoria, reduce fatigue, improve concentration, produce relaxation, induce sleep, alter consciousness and reduce pain, along with many other effects.


The evolution of collaboration: a faculty member and alumna remember

Miller Bornstein

New face, fresh perspectives

A new faculty member has recently joined the psychology department.


Jeff Stevens

A tribute to Herb Howe

Herbert E. Howe Jr., a past chair of our psychology department, died unexpectedly at the age of 71 in December 2012. Because Herb was the Associate to the Chancellor at UNL from 1988 until his retirement, he was not well known to denizens of our department who arrived within the last 25 years.

Read more »

Herb Howe

Five psychology principles of maintaining a healthy weight

Most people know the basics of what they have to do to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight. Eat a balanced diet with lots of healthy fruits and vegetables and minimal junk food. Be physically active every day and minimize sedentary behaviors. Pretty simple, right?


The many roles of a psychology professor

Dave Hansen, professor of psychology, returned to being director of the Clinical Training Program in fall 2012. He was previously director from 1995-2001 and then served as department chair from 2001-2012. Deb Hope, professor of psychology, interviewed him about some of the highlights of his many roles.

Dave Hansen

Clinical psychology offers award-winning training to its students

The Clinical Psychology Training Program was recently named the 2013 Outstanding Training Program by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. The program, which focuses on behavior therapy, has been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association since accreditation began in 1948. The recognition is awarded every other year and will be accepted at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual conference in Nashville, Tennessee, in November.

Clinical Psychology


We asked our alumni what they have been doing since graduating with a psychology degree.

See what they shared »


Psychology faculty, students and staff recognized for their work

The following awards and recognitions for psychology department faculty, students and staff occurred between September 2012 and September 2013. 

Psychology undergraduate award ceremony honors student accomplishments

The following awards and recognitions for psychology department faculty, students and staff occurred between September 2012 and September 2013.

See their accomplishments »

Maggie Shauer

The Cal Garbin Statistics Laboratory

Do you remember taking research methods with Cal? We estimate that he has already taught about 7,000 undergraduate and graduate students! As an award-winning teacher, Cal has provided so many of our alums with invaluable statistical and methodology knowledge. Help us update the computer system in the lab/classroom so Cal can continue the tradition of excellence!

See how you can help »

Cal Garbin

Save the date!

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Law-Psychology Program is celebrating 40 years – join us October 23-25, 2014! Please email Eve Brank (ebrank2@unl.edu) for more information and to ensure you are on the mailing list. Plan to join us for what is sure to be a great time!


Psychology Department Fund

The Department of Psychology at the University of Nebraska has a long and impressive history and you are part of that history! You can also help the department have a long and impressive future. Financial gifts from alumni and friends are a vital source of support for the psychology department.

Learn about ways to give »