Graduate Student Association

GSA Mission Statement

As a collective of graduate students, our mission is to intentionally advocate for meaningful change within interdepartmental faculty meetings and the broader UNL student government. We aim to:

  1. Establish a community across disciplines by facilitating open communication among graduate students and increase transparency between students and faculty.
  2. Foster interconnectedness and empathy for one another’s experiences to create a platform to meaningfully address students concerns through collective action.  

We commit to one another and to these roles:

  • Consistency: Showing up for our roles and duty to the student body and for each other in carrying out action.
  • Sustainability: Acting with an awareness that these roles are temporary and have high turnover due to nature of grad student obligations.
  • Continuity: Being mindful to learn from those who came before so we can build upon pre-existing knowledge to better ourselves and the program.
  • Persistence: Remaining open-minded and amiable to creative solutions to achieve goals and staying committed to our cause.
  • Accountability: As much as possible, do what we say we’re going to do. We cannot expect this from faculty if we do not expect this of ourselves. 
