Mario Scalora
Director Public Policy Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
215 Centennial Mall S Ste 401 429
Lincoln NE 68588-0228 - Phone
Dr. Scalora is currently performing research in a variety of areas related to targeted violence and threat assessment. This research continues to involve collaboration with state and federal agencies dealing with threat management and counterterrorism issues. Dr. Scalora also collaborates with local, state, and federal law enforcement on threat assessment research assessing predictive risk factors concerning targeted threatening and violent activity. Concerning sexual offending, he and his colleagues are investigating a range of personality and other risk factors related to sexual recidivism. On a related note concerning targeted violence, his research team is also investigating various risk-related issues (e.g., the nature of mental illness, predictive value of precious threatening behavior) concerning multiple samples of workplace violence.
His teaching activity currently includes courses on forensic assessment, personality assessment, and the psychology of terrorism.
Lab site: Targeted Violence Research Team
His research interests addresses various types of targeted violence issues including:
- threat assessment
- terrorism/extremist violence
- sexual offending &
- workplace violence.
Representative Publications
* Indicates publication with graduate student co-author(s)
*Gonsalves, V. M., Hodges, H. J., & Scalora, M. J. (in press). Exploring online sexually explicit material: What is the relationship to sexual coercion? Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity.
*Hollister, B. A., & Scalora, M. J. (in press). Broadening campus threat assessment beyond mass shootings. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
*Hodges, H. J., & Scalora, M. J. (2015). Challenging the political assumption that “Guns Don’t Kill People, Crazy People Kill People!” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 85(3), 211-216. pdf
Scalora, M. J. (2015). Sometimes we do reinvent the wheel: Commentary on MacDonald (1912). Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1(4), 241-242.
*Hollister, B. A., Scalora, M.J., Hoff, S., & Marquez, A. (2014). Exposure to preincident behavior and reporting in college students. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 1(2), 129-143.
*Gonsalves, V. M., Walsh, K., & Scalora, M. J. (2012). Staff perceptions of risk for prison rape perpetration and victimization. The Prison Journal, 92(2), 253-273.
*McLawsen, J. E., Scalora, M. J., & Darrow, C. (2012). Civilly committed sex offenders: A description and interstate comparison of populations. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 18(3), 453-476.
*Gonsalves, V. M., Walsh, K., & Scalora, M. J. (2012). Staff perceptions of risk for prison rape perpetration and victimization. The Prison Journal, 92(2), 253-273.
*McLawsen, J. E., Scalora, M. J., & Darrow, C. (2012). Civilly committed sex offenders: A description and interstate comparison of populations. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 18(3), 453-476.
*Marquez, A. J. & Scalora, M. J. (2011). Problematic approach of legislators: Differentiating stalking from isolated incidents. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 38, 1115-1126.
*Schoeneman, K.A., Scalora, M. J., Darrow, C. D., McLawsen, J. E., Chang, G. H., & Zimmerman, W. J. (2011). Written content indicators of problematic approach behavior toward political officials. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 29, 284-301.
James, D. V., Mullen, P. E., Meloy, J. R., Pathé, M. T., Preston, L. F., Darnley, B., Farnham, F. R., Scalora, M. J., (2011). Stalkers and harassers of British royalty: An exploration of proxy behaviours for violence. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 29, 64-80. \
Bader, S. M., Welsh, R., & Scalora, M. J. (2010). Recidivism among female child molesters. Violence and Victims, 25(3), 349-362.
*Skovran, L. C., Huss, M. T., & Scalora, M. J. (2010). Sexual fantasies and sensation seeking among psychopathic sexual offenders.Psychology, Crime & Law, 16(7), 617-629.
DeGue, S., DiLillo, D., & Scalora, M. J. (2010). Are all perpetrators alike? Comparing risk factors for sexual coercion and aggression. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment, 22(4), 402-426.
Scalora, M.J., Simons, A., & Van Slyke.S. (2010). Campus safety: Assessing and managing threats. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 79, 1-10.
More Information
For more information regarding Dr. Scalora's research activities, please review the Forensic Research Team's website.