Scott Stoltenberg
Associate Professor Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
BURN 335
Lincoln NE 68588-0308 - Phone
- Undergraduate Committee, Chair
- College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Education Working Group, member
- Addiction (PSYC 365)
- Brain & Behavior (PSYC 273)
- Behavior Genetics (PSYC 458/858)
Recent Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Baildon, A.E.; Eagan, S.R.; Christ, C.C.; Lorenz, T.; Stoltenberg, S.F.; Gervais, S.J. (2021). The sexual objectification and alcohol use link: The mediating role of self-objectification, enjoyment of sexualization, body shame, and drinking motives. Sex Roles. 85, 190–204
- Simons, J.S, Simons, R.M., Grimm, K.J., Keith, J.A., & Stoltenberg, S.F. (2020). Affective dynamics among veterans: Associations with distress tolerance and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Emotion. PMID: 32191092 DOI: 10.1037/emo0000745
- *Sullivan, G. A., Gervais, S. J., Brock, R., L., & Stoltenberg, S. F. (2020). Social responsiveness and objectification: The moderating roles of serotonin transporter and serotonin receptor 2A genotypes in an objectification theory model of disordered eating. Sex Roles, 82(9), 584-599. https:// 10.1007/s11199-019-01075-3.
- Simons, J.S., Simons, R.M., Walters, K.J., Keith, J.A., O’Brien, C., Andal, K. & Stoltenberg, S.F. (2019). Nexus of despair: A network analysis of suicidal ideation among veterans. Archives of Suicide Research. Feb 8:1-23. doi: 10.1080/13811118.2019.1574689.
- *Niitsu, K., Rice, M.J., Houfek, J.F., Stoltenberg, S.F., Kupzyk, K.A., & Barron, C.R. (2019). A Systematic Review of Genetic Influence on Psychological Resilience. Biological Research for Nursing. 21(1): 61-71. doi: 10.1177/1099800418800396
- Simons, J.S., Simons, R.M., Keith, J.A., Grimm, K.J., Stoltenberg, S.F., O’Brien, C., & Andal, K. (2018). PTSD symptoms and alcohol-related problems among veterans: Temporal associations and vulnerability. 127(8): 733-750. Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
- *Christ, C.C., *Watkins, L.E., DiLillo, D., Stoltenberg, S.F. (2018). Alcohol Intoxication Moderates the Association between a Polygenic Risk Score and Unprovoked Intimate Partner Aggression. Journal of Family Violence. 33(1): 83-94. DOI 10.1007/s10896-017-9908-5
- *Christ, C.C., Schwartz, J.A., Stoltenberg, S.F., Brauer, J.R. & Savolainen, J. (2018). The effect of MAOA and stress sensitivity on crime and delinquency: An attempted replication. 34(3): 336-353. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice.
- *Niitsu, K., Houfek, F. J., Barron, C. R., Stoltenberg, S. F., Kupzyk, K. A., Rice, M. J. (2017). A concept analysis of resilience integrating genetics. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 38(11), 896-906. doi: 10.1080/01612840.2017.1350225
- Simons, J.S., Simons, R.M., O’Brien, C., Stoltenberg, S.F., Keith, J.A., & Hudson, J.A. (2017). PTSD, Alcohol Dependence, and Conduct Problems: Distinct pathways via lability and disinhibition. Addictive Behaviors, 64:185-193. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.08.044.
- Rozenblat, V., Ong, D., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Akkermann, K., Collier, D., Engels, R., Fernandez-Aranda, F., Harro, J., Homberg, J.R., Karwautz, A., Kiive, E., Klump, K.L., Larson, C.L., Racine, S.E., Richardson, J., Steiger, H., Stoltenberg, S.F., van Strien, T., Wagner, G., Treasure, J. & Krug, I. (2017). A systematic review and secondary data analysis of the interactions between the serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and environmental and psychological factors in eating disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 84:62-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2016.09.023
- *Mills, M., *Reinert-Gehman, O., Stoltenberg, S.F. & Dodd, M.D. (2016). Emotion moderates the association between HTR2A (rs6313) genotype and antisaccade latency. Experimental Brain Research. 234(9):2653-65. DOI 10.1007/s00221-016-4669-6
- *Christ, C.C., Carlo, G. & Stoltenberg, S.F (2016). Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Indirectly Predict Prosocial Behavior through Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern. Journal of Personality, 84(2):204-13. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12152
*indicates student co-authors
Books Or Chapters Published
- Stoltenberg, S.F. (in press). Foundations of Behavior Genetics. New York, NY, Cambridge University Press.
- Stoltenberg, S. F. (Ed.). (2014). Genes and the Motivation to Use Substances, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 61, Springer, New York.
- Stoltenberg, S. F. (2014). Do Genes Motivate Substance Use? Pp. 1-4. In S. F. Stoltenberg (Ed.). Genes and the Motivation to Use Substances, Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 61, Springer, New York.
- Stoltenberg, S. F. (2010). Dynamic and Systems-Based Models for Evaluating Hypotheses Related to Predicting Treatment Response, pp. 1291-1304. In B. A. Johnson, (Ed.), Addiction Medicine: Science and Practice. New York, NY, Springer.
- Stoltenberg S. F. & Nag, P. (2007). Applying Control System Modelling to understand How Genetic Variation influences Serotonin Function and Behavior, pp. 133-171. In Lassau, J. A. (Ed.) Neural Synapse Research Trends. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers.
Past Research Funding
- UNL Office of Research and Economic Development Layman New Directions Grant: “The Psychobiology of Social Evaluation”. Stoltenberg, S.F. (PI), Gervais, S.J. (Co-I). $20,000. 6/1/2016-5/31/2018.
- National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: “Traumatic Stress and Alcohol Problems: Between- and Within- Person Associations”; (1R01AA020519-01A1) Jeffery Simons (PI); Raluca M. Gaher, Jerome Buchkoski, Carol O’Brien and Scott F. Stoltenberg (Co-investigators). 09/15/2012-8/31/2016. $1,686,888 total costs. No cost extension.
- Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior Seed Grant. Neta, M., Stoltenberg, S.F. (co-I), & Dodd, M., (2016). Examining Neural Mechanisms of Emotional Antisaccade Task Performance. $5850
- Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior Seed Grant. Spaulding, W., Neta, M., Stoltenberg, S.F. (co-I), Montague, E. (2016). Enhancing Biomarker Identification: A Combined Polygenetic and Behavioral Neuroscience Approach to Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders. $8625
- Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior Seed Grant. Christ, C. & Stoltenberg, S.F. (co-I) (2015). Aggregate Genetic Risk, Acute Stress, and Aggressive Behavior. $7050
- Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior Seed Grant. Montague, E., Spaulding, W., Neta, M. & Stoltenberg, S. F. (co-I) (2015). fMRI and Genetic Correlates of Social Cognition Abnormalities in Schizotypy. $11000
- Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior Seed Grant. Neta, M., Stoltenberg, S.F. (co-I), & Dodd, M. (2015). Examining Neural Mechanisms of Emotional Antisaccade Task Performance. $11000
- Fund for Investing in the Research Enterprise (FIRE; University of Nebraska Omaha): “Problem Drinking During the Freshman Year: A Biosocial Perspective”. Jukka Savolainen (Co-PI), Lorine A. Hughes (Co-PI) and Scott F. Stoltenberg (Co-investigator). 08/2013-07/2014. $35,000 total costs.
- Substance Abuse and Violence Initiative (SAVI) Seed Grant: “Are individual differences in attentional control moderated by genotype”. Scott F. Stoltenberg (Co-PI), Mike Dodd (Co-PI). $2,000 total costs.
- Substance Abuse and Violence Initiative (SAVI) Seed Grant: “Serotonin system genes, acute alcohol intoxication & intimate partner aggression”. Scott F. Stoltenberg (Co-PI), David DiLillo (Co-PI). $2,000 total costs.
- Substance Abuse and Violence Initiative (SAVI) Seed Grant: “Serotonin System Genes, Sexual Objectification, Violence, and Alcohol Use Motives”. Sarah Gervais (Co-PI), Scott F. Stoltenberg (Co-PI). $2,000 total costs.
- UNL Research Council Faculty Seed Grant; “Neurotransmitter Genes and Decision-Making”; Scott F. Stoltenberg (P.I.); 1/1/2010-06/30/2011; $10,000 total costs.
- National Institute of Mental Health; "Serotonin, impulsivity and health-risk behavior" (Academic Research Enhancement Award, 1R15MH077654-01A1); Parthasarathi Nag (P.I.), & Cynthia Anderson & Scott F. Stoltenberg (Co-investigators). (Stoltenberg was the original PI, but PI transferred from Stoltenberg to Nag in 2009 when Stoltenberg moved to UNL) 8/1/07-07/31/10; $201,800 total costs.
- Research support through release from teaching and summer salary: National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant Number 5P20RR016479-10
- Governor’s 2010 Individual Research Seed Grant. "Gambling, Impulsivity & Neurotransmitter Genes"; SDBOR/BHSU 2010-06-01; Scott F. Stoltenberg (P.I.); 50% release time (Fall 2005-Spring 2006), 2-months summer salary (summer 2006); $31,200 Total Cost.
- BHSU Faculty Research Committee; 2005-2006. "Gambling, Impulsivity & Neurotransmitter Genes"; Scott F. Stoltenberg (P.I.); $3,112 Total Cost.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; "Genetic Architecture of Risk for Antisocial Alcoholism"; (Mentored Research Scientist Development Award K01 AA00295); 100% effort; Scott F. Stoltenberg (P.I.), Robert A. Zucker and Margit Burmeister (Co-Mentors); 3/1/00-6/25/04; $93,200 annual direct costs, $100,656 annual total costs.
- Peter F. McManus Charitable Trust; "Genotypic variation in the serotonergic system associated with familial risk for alcoholism, inhibitory control of behavior, aggression and depression; Jennifer M. Glass (P.I.), Scott F. Stoltenberg, Stephen T. Chermack & Heather A. Flynn (Co-investigators); 1/1/02-12/31/02; $50,000 total costs.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; "Genotype, Typology and Alcoholism Treatment Outcome" (NRSA Individual Training Grant, F32 AA05532); 100% effort; Scott F. Stoltenberg (P.I.), Robert A. Zucker (Mentor); 7/1/98-6/30/99; $34,488 annual direct costs.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; "Multidisciplinary Alcoholism Research Training Program" (NRSA Institutional Training Grant , T32 AA07477); 100% effort; Robert A. Zucker (Program Director); Research Fellow; 1990-2003, $145,090 annual total costs (4 postdoctoral slots).