Spring 2017 Newsletter

Dear Alumni, Students, Colleagues, and Friends,

I am pleased to present this Spring 2017 edition of the Department of Psychology Newsletter! This edition highlights the Department as a community of faculty, students, and professional staff who have a strong affiliation and concern for one another. Such concern is exemplified by faculty member David Hansen donating his kidney for a fellow faculty member in the Department, Dennis Molfese, who was in desperate need of an organ transplant. We also highlight such concern by featuring the efforts of people in the Department, as seen with our excellent professional staff who serve in our Advising and Business Offices.

Read the full department chair letter

Rick Bevins

Psychology Professor David Hansen Donates Kidney for Psychology Professor Dennis Molfese

In October of 2016, the kidney function of Dennis Molfese was down to 5% and his blood pressure was at 180/140, the latter placing him at significant risk for a stroke. Dennis lived with kidney disease for the past decade but the disease had accelerated over the past 4 years. He was in desperate need for an organ transplant.

Dennis Molfese (L) and David Hansen (R)

Read full story...

Dennis Molfese and David Hansen


Psychology Department Fund

The Department of Psychology at the University of Nebraska is still going strong for approximately 128 years since psychology was first taught in 1889 by Harry K. Wolfe. You are part of that history and you can help the department have a long and impressive future! Financial gifts from alumni and friends are a vital source of support for the psychology department.

Harry K. Wolfe

To learn more…


Alumni Spotlights

We have been in touch with two outstanding alumni, Mallory Netz and Zain Saleh.

Learn more about Mallory

Mallory Netz

Learn more about Zain

Zain Saleh

Fond Farewells

Congratulate and bid farewell to our retiring faculty.

Look back at the service of

Dan Leger

Look back at the service of

Alan Tomkins

Reducing the Prevalence of Date Rape

Faculty member Dennis McChargue with colleagues Antover Tuliao, graduate student in the Department of Psychology, and Lesa Hoffman, faculty member at the University of Kansas, recently published “Measuring individual differences in responses to date-rape vignettes using latent variable models" in the journal Aggressive Behavior.

We sat down with Dennis to learn more.

Welcome and learn more about the new additions to the faculty.
Psychology Department Business Office Professional Staff

Greetings from Sonya Howsden, Jamie Longwell, Pam Waldvogel, James Berg, and Betty James! As the professional staff of the Psychology Department’s Business Office, we would like to share a bit about ourselves.

Meet the Business Office Professional Staff

Nebraska Motivation Symposium on the Nature of Behavior Change in April 2017

This year, for the 65th Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, the Department brought together a behavioral neuroscientist (Rick Bevins) and a clinical psychologist (Deb Hope) to organize our annual Nebraska Symposium on Motivation.

Read more about the symposium

Psychology Department Faculty, Students, and Staff are Recognized for their Work

The psychology department faculty, students, and staff have had some impressive accomplishments over the last year. Below is a brief snapshot of some recent happenings.

Read more about these accomplishments

Psychology Advising

Hello from Joanna Seley, Marybeth Helmink, and Alexis Lehman! We are the professional staff advising team for the Department of Psychology.

Meet the Advising Team

2017 Department of Psychology Awards Celebration Honors Undergraduate Accomplishments

The psychology department held the annual Awards Celebration on April 10, 2017, in the Nebraska Union. The annual event provided an opportunity to celebrate the impressive accomplishments of our outstanding undergraduate students.

Read more about the honored recipients.