We take great pride the quantity and quality of our research and scholarly activity at all levels. Our faculty publish numerous papers each year in leading scholarly journals, many of which have graduate and undergraduate students as co-authors. As an undergraduate psychology major at UNL, you have the opportunity to be actively engaged in research.
Benefits of Research Involvement
- Gain skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, use of technology, and communication just to name a few.
- Our students present dozens of papers and posters annually at scientific conferences, and we lead UNL’s College of Arts and Sciences in honors theses submitted.
- Preparation for graduate school – conducting research as an undergraduate shows a potential graduate school you are capable of conducting research as a graduate student, balancing your coursework with the additional responsibilities of research, and understanding the importance of research within the field of psychology.
- Getting to know and work with a faculty member who might one day be willing to serve as a reference for graduate school or a job!
- Earn academic credit and fulfill the university's Experiential Learning requirement.
Gaining Research Experience
Here's how to start getting involved in undergraduate research.
- Search through the websites of department research labs to find labs in which you are interested.
- Email the faculty member directing the lab to see if they has any undergraduate assistant research opportunities. Typically, these are volunteer experiences, but they can be paid.
- Search for funding opportunities for undergraduate research through UCARE or the McNair Scholars program.
Determine if you can or should sign up for course credit by talking to your faculty member and academic advisor. It may be possible to enroll in academic credit for your research experience and fulfill the experiential learning requirement by enrolling in CASC 98 (0 credit hours) or PSYC 498 (1-6 credit hours).
To enroll in CASC 98 or PSYC 498 students must follow these steps:
(1) Schedule an appointment with a Psychology advisor via Student Success Hub (instructions). Work with an academic advisor to discuss the permission code and enrollment process for the research courses and discuss which is best for your goals and degree progress.
(2) Complete a research agreement with a faculty member (electronic document completed by the student and faculty member outlining lab responsibilities, time commitment, etc.).
(3) Work with the overseeing faculty member to develop a syllabus, and complete weekly progress reports.
When to start
The sooner, the better! Start exploring possible research opportunities as a freshman and try to join a lab in your sophomore year, if possible, but ideally no later than during your junior year. Having as much research experience as possible will strengthen your graduate school application, as well as allow you more time to get to know a faculty member who could serve as a reference for you.
Additional information
As a PhD student, you will be expected to design your own research study, collect the data, interpret the results, write and present the results at conferences, and submit your results for publication. This research will culminate in a dissertation at the end of your graduate program. Getting involved in a research lab as an undergraduate will not only make your graduate school application more competitive, but it will help you discern if you even enjoy research. If not, you may need to ask yourself if you really want to spend 3 – 6 years in graduate school conducting research. Some masters-level counseling and PsyD programs are strictly practitioner-based and do not require the level of research that is expected in PhD programs.
Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences Program (UCARE) pairs undergraduate students with faculty mentors, enriching the educational experiences of the student and at the same time providing a tangible benefit to the research program of UNL faculty. Students involved in UCARE are engaged in a unique “campus job” and conduct research or creative activities with the help of a faculty member.
Undergraduate researchers may work with any full-time faculty at UNL. Students who have completed their freshman year can formally participate in faculty research as undergraduate research assistants. UCARE will provide funding to the students in exchange for assistance on the research projects.
Undergraduate researchers may apply for a Summer Award (June 1-August 15) or an Academic Year Award (September-April). UCARE undergraduate researchers are responsible for finding a faculty advisor to guide and oversee their research project. For more information or to apply, visit the UCARE website.
Tip: Often students will start in a lab as a volunteer research assistant and then discuss a UCARE project with their faculty member once they have been involved in the lab.
Each year UNL hosts an undergraduate research conference where students present their current research. This is a great opportunity for students to meet faculty and looks great on your resume. Along with the UNL conference, many students take their research to conferences around the state and even around the nation.
Research Opportunities
Research opportunities for current psychology majors are often communicated through e-mails sent by the PSYC advisors. Not all positions are broadly advertised, so you are encouraged to reach out to individual faculty members about opportunities.