Finch receives dissertation award from APA Division 15

May 3, 2019

Jenna Finch

Jenna Finch, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, received the 2019 Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Psychological Association.

"Executive Functions in Elementary School: Contextual Influences and Links to Adaptive Functioning" was selected by a committee within the organization's Division 15.

"The Committee described the impact and value of your dissertation study as timely and incredibly valuable to the field of educational psychology," co-chairs April Taylor and W. David Wakefield said in an email. "[We] were greatly impressed with and could easily recognize value of the important contributions you have and will likely continue to make to the field. For all these reasons and many others, we are especially delighted to offer you this award."

Finch directs the Learning and Development Research group. Her research explores how contextual factors influence children's early development.

She will be recognized at the Division 15 Business Meeting in August, and she was asked to deliver a keynote address at the 2020 Annual Convention.

Division 15: Educational Psychology provides a collegial environment for psychologists with interest in research, teaching or practice in educational settings at all levels to present and publish papers about their work. Division members' work is concerned with theory, methodology and applications to a broad spectrum of teaching, training and learning issues.