Meet Ally Akerberg

December 9, 2019

Ally Akerberg

Majors: Psychology, Dance (through the College of Fine and Performing Arts)
Hometown: Crystal Lake, Illinois

What's the best part about living in Lincoln?
Lincoln has such an incredible community and it's like living in a big city but with a small-town feel! There's so much to explore and so many cute places to study, shop and hang out.

What's your favorite place on campus?
Definitely the new Carson Emerging Media Arts building, or CEMA. It's a brand new building for both the Emerging Media and Dance programs with lots of study spots, new tech, and collaborative opportunities.

When I'm not in class, you can probably find me...
At Delta Gamma! I love these ladies and I enjoy spending time at the house studying or hanging out.

Who should everyone be following on Instagram?
@theredkeysmusic (UNL's newest coed a capella group) and @unldanceprogram, two things I'm super thankful for and proud to be a part of!

Name three people, dead or alive, that you'd like to have dinner with.
Michelle Obama, Cher, Carrie Fisher

What do you miss most about home?
Seeing my family every day, especially now around the holidays. You truly don't realize what amazing people you have in your life until you've left them and I'm so thankful for my family every day.

What's the last hobby you picked up?
Since coming to college, I've loved going to workout classes at the rec! Specifically cardio dance, I get a great workout while doing something I love.