Richard Wiener
Professor Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
BURN 324c
Lincoln NE 68588-0308 - Phone
Representative Publications
- Wiener, R.L. & Richter, E. (in press). Symbolic hate: intention to intimidate, political Ideology, and group association. Law and Human Behavior.
- Maeder, E. & Wiener, R.L, & Winter, R. (2007) Does a truck driver see what a nurse sees? The effects of occupation type on perceptions of sexual harassment, Sex Roles, 56, 801-810.
- Wiener, R.L., Holtje, M., Winter, R.J., Cantone, J.A., Gross, K., & Block-Lieb, S. (2007). Consumer credit disclosure and anticipated emotion, Journal of Experimental Psychology (Applied), 13. 32-46.
- Wiener, R.L., Bornstein, B.H., Schopp, R., & Willborn, S. (Eds.) (2007). Social Consciousness in Legal Decision Making: Psychological Perspectives. New York: Springer Press.
- Wiener, R.L. (2007). Law and Everyday Decision-Making: Descriptive and Normative Models (2007). In Wiener, R.L., Bornstein, B.H., Schopp, R., & Willborn, S. (Eds.) Social Consciousness in Legal Decision Making: Psychological Perspectives. (pp. 3-34) New York: Springer Press.
- Wiener, R.L., Bornstein, B.H., & Humke, A. (2006). Emotion and the law: A framework for inquiry. Law and Human Behavior, 30, 231-248.
- Wiener, R.L., Arnot, L. Winter, R., & Redmond, B. (2006). Generic prejudice in the law: The case of sexual assault. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 145-155.
- Wiener, R.L., Holtje, M., Winter, R.J., Cantone, J.A., Block-Lieb, S. & Gross, K. (2006). Psychology and BAPCPA: Enhanced disclosure and emotion. Missouri Law Review, 71, 1003-1033.
- Wiener, R.L., Voss, A.M., Winter, R.J., & Arnot, L. (2005). The more you see it, the more you know it: Memory accessibility and sexual harassment judgments. Sex Roles, 53, 807-820.
- Wiener, R.L., Rogers, M., Winter, R., Hurt, L.E., Hackney, A., Kadela, K., Seib, H., Rauch, S., Warren, L., Morasco, B. (2004). Guided jury discretion in capital murder cases: The role of declarative and procedural knowledge. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 10(4), 516-576.
- Wiener, R.L., Winter, R., Rogers, M., & Arnot, L. (2004). The Effects of Prior Workplace Behavior on Subsequent Sexual Harassment Judgments. Law and Human Behavior, 28, 1, 47-67.