Meet Jessica Exstrom

Photo Credit: Jessica Exstrom
by CAS MarComm Tue, 11/28/2023 - 13:26

Major: Psychology
Minors: English, Women's and Gender Studies
Hometown: Valley, Nebraska

Why did you select your major and minors?My love for psych started in high school. I loved just taking notes out of the textbook and was infatuated with every single thing I learned. My teacher was also super cool so that helped!

What is your favorite course and why?Brain and Behavior taught by Jacquelyn Omelian is by far my favorite (and one of the hardest). I had the opportunity to closely study brain functioning on a cellular level and it was mind-blowing. I also learned in that class that the tryptophan in cheese can contribute to boosted serotonin levels!

Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?Manda Williamson has been the most helpful teacher I've had. She taught my capstone, the most difficult class I've ever taken. She paid close attention to each student, gave valuable feedback, and made sure each one of us would pass the class. I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to take a class taught by her!

Have you had an internship or job?I currently intern/work at a mental health office in Lincoln. I'm an office assistant, but I get to see the workings of a therapy office firsthand. This experience has been so valuable as I have been exposed to behavioral health jargon, helped patients get into our office for help, and been exposed to the positive effects of mental health help. It has been a truly valuable and eye-opening experience.

What are you involved in on campus or in the community?I am a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta honor society.

What are your plans after graduation?I am currently applying to grad school. I hope to spend the next few years completing my master's in psychology and becoming a licensed mental health practitioner!