Meet Kenzi Berglund

Photo Credit: Student Spotlight Kenzi Berglund
Thu, 12/07/2023 - 13:27

Majors: Psychology, Criminal Justice/Criminology (via CPACS)
Hometown: Nebraska City, NE

Why did you select your majors?I have always been interested in the mind and how it works. I find the connection between the brain and criminology so fascinating.What is your favorite course you have taken from your programs and why?I think it would have to be tied between Dr. Witt’s Advanced Social Psychology and Dr. Stevens’ Controversial Issues in Psychology class.Who have been some of your strongest mentors or role models here?Dr. Chelsea Witt and my advisor, Amber Christianson!Have you had an internship or job?This semester I was an intern at the Juvenile Justice Institute and it really taught the behind-the-scenes of what children in the system are going through and what I can do to help.What are you involved in on campus or in the community?I’m involved with Dance Marathon and it is one of the most rewarding RSO’s you could join!What are your plans after graduation?My main goal is to work with kids but also being involved with criminal psychology.